Carl Williams

Gaming is great, conspiracy stuff kind of cool, and I write a little about life. That sums me up. What about you?

Little Rock Arkansas Joined September 2016

Estimated curation rewards last week:

Curation Rewards History

5 months ago0.035 STEEM POWER for retrodanuart/licence-to-kill-domark-amstrad-1989-longplay
5 months ago0.032 STEEM POWER for darthnava/my-played-video-games-review-super-pinball-behind-the-mask-for-the-super-nintendo
5 months ago0.036 STEEM POWER for phasewalker/nokron-is-beautiful-elden-ring
5 months ago0.278 STEEM POWER for darthnava/my-played-video-games-review-the-final-fight-2-for-the-super-nintendo
6 months ago0.033 STEEM POWER for phasewalker/broforce-gaming-wallpapers
6 months ago0.030 STEEM POWER for ultravioletmag/qd170i3voqo
6 months ago0.035 STEEM POWER for aaliyahholt/arthur-s-heartbreaking-diagnosis-red-dead-redemption-2-episode-15
6 months ago0.032 STEEM POWER for phasewalker/tire-rain-wreckfest
10 months ago0.037 STEEM POWER for darthnava/scosxe
10 months ago0.035 STEEM POWER for darth-cryptic/genealogy-alienore-de-crawcumbe-1254-1298