
Kiss me! Im your piglet!)

Svinland Joined May 2017

Estimated author rewards last week:
0.000 STEEM
0.000 SBD

Author Rewards History

5 months ago0.000 SBD, 0.118 STEEM and 0.119 STEEM POWER for svinsent/cod-tongues-in-pilaf-kabeljau-zungen-im-pilaw
11 months ago0.018 SBD and 0.059 STEEM POWER for svinsent/herring-cutlets-frische-heringskoteletts
last year0.000 SBD, 0.031 STEEM and 0.032 STEEM POWER for svinsent/hell-worms-for-halloween-hoellenwuermer-fuer-halloween
last year0.000 SBD, 0.052 STEEM and 0.054 STEEM POWER for svinsent/multi-passport-part-1-multipass-teil-1
last year0.000 SBD, 0.048 STEEM and 0.050 STEEM POWER for svinsent/quick-kimchi-with-apples-schnelles-kimchi-mit-aepfeln
last year0.000 SBD, 0.067 STEEM and 0.070 STEEM POWER for svinsent/steamed-pumpkin-gedaempfter-kuerbis
last year0.000 SBD, 0.099 STEEM and 0.103 STEEM POWER for svinsent/potato-salad-with-ham-and-beans-kartoffelsalat-mit-schinken-und-bohnen
2 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.051 STEEM and 0.054 STEEM POWER for svinsent/salad-with-halibut-and-olives-salat-mit-heilbutt-und-oliven
2 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.057 STEEM and 0.061 STEEM POWER for svinsent/universal-robotization-of-the-planet-universelle-robotisierung-des-planeten
2 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.039 STEEM and 0.042 STEEM POWER for svinsent/japanese-miso-soup-with-pumpkin-noodles-and-mushrooms-japanische-misosuppe-mit-kuerbis-nudeln-und-pilzen