Rethinking the Doll...

Monetary Education For Millennials - A Dollarcation Is What The World Needs... Watch RTD video interviews and news updates on issues about money. 👈💸💻

USA Joined June 2016

Estimated author rewards last week:
0.000 STEEM
0.000 SBD

Author Rewards History

5 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.168 STEEM and 0.198 STEEM POWER for rtd/quantitative-easing-explained-why-debt-monetization-is-permanent-w-garic-moran
5 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.058 STEEM and 0.068 STEEM POWER for rtd/greece-china-sign-16-belt-and-road-deals-to-open-new-superhighway-rtd-news-update
5 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.258 STEEM and 0.304 STEEM POWER for rtd/trump-exploring-cutting-rate-on-middle-class-to-15-tax-cut-2-0-is-back
5 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.068 STEEM and 0.080 STEEM POWER for rtd/gold-and-silver-manipulation-criminal-racketeering-charges-to-reach-the-top-w-craig-hemke
5 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.231 STEEM and 0.272 STEEM POWER for rtd/we-could-see-huge-premiums-in-retail-silver-again-w-david-morgan
6 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.052 STEEM and 0.062 STEEM POWER for rtd/outside-of-a-gold-standard-a-stong-currency-can-be-a-curse-by-jim-rickards
6 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.079 STEEM and 0.094 STEEM POWER for rtd/the-american-lifestyle-and-economy-nothing-is-guaranteed-w-charles-hugh-smith
6 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.044 STEEM and 0.053 STEEM POWER for rtd/runaway-inflation-or-severe-deflation-either-way-is-disastrous-w-michael-pento-d5fb16d787446
6 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.046 STEEM and 0.054 STEEM POWER for rtd/negative-savings-rates-will-you-pay-banks-to-hold-your-cash
6 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.055 STEEM and 0.066 STEEM POWER for rtd/parallels-between-the-decline-of-the-roman-empire-and-america-w-charles-hugh-smith