
Education: science, math. Loves: people, Holy Spirit, fun, music, etc.

Earth Joined September 2016

Estimated author rewards last week:
0.000 STEEM
0.000 SBD

Author Rewards History

6 years ago0.048 SBD and 0.067 STEEM POWER for point/re-darsico-truth-or-dare-212-have-you-ever-hitch-hiked-a-ride-20180919t092201770z
6 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.032 STEEM and 0.038 STEEM POWER for point/re-darsico-truth-or-dare-210-are-you-mechanically-inclined-20180912t065339525z
6 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.083 STEEM and 0.100 STEEM POWER for point/re-mes-re-point-re-mes-forced-precession-of-gyroscopes-can-move-mass-through-space-amazing-20180905t043407931z
6 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.016 STEEM and 0.020 STEEM POWER for point/re-darsico-hey-wait-what-s-going-on-don-t-do-that-20180904t102529300z
6 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.016 STEEM and 0.020 STEEM POWER for point/re-darsico-truth-or-dare-209-do-you-have-any-new-hobbies-20180904t101402814z
6 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.016 STEEM and 0.020 STEEM POWER for point/re-darsico-well-thats-how-it-is-sometimes-we-live-for-the-moment-20180904t100922112z
6 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.017 STEEM and 0.022 STEEM POWER for point/re-darsico-does-your-pet-talk-to-you-too-20180904t095908318z
6 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.014 STEEM and 0.018 STEEM POWER for point/re-lemouth-dark-blobs-as-stealthy-dark-matter-20180904t093932963z
6 years ago0.000 SBD, 0.057 STEEM and 0.070 STEEM POWER for point/re-mes-forced-precession-of-gyroscopes-can-move-mass-through-space-amazing-20180904t090236829z
7 years ago0.027 SBD, 0.006 STEEM and 0.030 STEEM POWER for point/airdrop-free-gift-coins