
Hobby programmer and photograph

WWW Joined May 2018

Estimated author rewards last week:
0.000 STEEM
0.000 SBD

Author Rewards History

4 years ago0.121 SBD and 0.155 STEEM POWER for platuro/swalletneuestatistikenundzukunft
4 years ago0.096 SBD and 0.090 STEEM POWER for platuro/mal-wieder-ein-bild-canon-eos-m
4 years ago0.093 SBD and 0.085 STEEM POWER for platuro/steemboat-io-bye-steempeak
4 years ago0.389 SBD and 0.339 STEEM POWER for platuro/alternatives-front-end-in-sicht-triggerwarnung
4 years ago0.334 SBD and 0.292 STEEM POWER for platuro/meer-in-sicht
4 years ago1.220 SBD and 1.336 STEEM POWER for platuro/swalleteinpaarstatistiken
4 years ago0.332 SBD and 0.382 STEEM POWER for platuro/wer-jetzt-verkauft-ist-selber-schuld-zukunftsgedanke
4 years ago0.077 SBD and 0.484 STEEM POWER for platuro/swallet-update-0-0-8-shop-update-web-app
4 years ago0.015 SBD and 0.095 STEEM POWER for platuro/swalletupdate008hivesupport
4 years ago0.228 SBD and 1.414 STEEM POWER for platuro/swallet-steem-wallet-update-0-0-6-steemlogin-de