Pahola Gómez

Lic. Comunicación Social / Periodista / Redactora / Community Manager / Freelancer

Venezuela Joined May 2021

Estimated author rewards last week:
58.145 STEEM
0.000 SBD

Author Rewards History

23 hours ago0.000 SBD, 10.028 STEEM and 10.032 STEEM POWER for paholags/6anuzf-scouts-power
yesterday0.000 SBD, 1.807 STEEM and 1.808 STEEM POWER for paholags/soigln
2 days ago0.000 SBD, 34.839 STEEM and 34.854 STEEM POWER for paholags/mis-peticiones-navidenas
3 days ago0.000 SBD, 9.558 STEEM and 9.562 STEEM POWER for paholags/deseos-de-evolucion
4 days ago0.000 SBD, 1.913 STEEM and 1.914 STEEM POWER for paholags/sv-desafio-fotografico-128-tema-libre