
Learn Chemistry with Battlr!

San Diego Joined August 2017

Estimated author rewards last week:
0.000 STEEM
0.000 SBD

Author Rewards History

7 years ago0.067 SBD and 0.077 STEEM POWER for battlr/re-lydonsipe-2017910t221013919z
7 years ago0.259 SBD and 0.295 STEEM POWER for battlr/re-awgbibb-2017910t22846276z
7 years ago5.141 SBD and 5.661 STEEM POWER for battlr/chemiluminescence-in-luminol-how-does-it-work-chemistry-with-battlr-ep-8
7 years ago0.170 SBD and 0.159 STEEM POWER for battlr/re-t3hkl0wn-201794t113439944z
7 years ago0.030 SBD and 0.029 STEEM POWER for battlr/re-ruth-girl-project-plan-for-chemistry-the-rust-experiment-20170830t191256335z
7 years ago0.179 SBD and 0.172 STEEM POWER for battlr/re-oscargon1234-2017829t21340991z
7 years ago0.016 SBD and 0.017 STEEM POWER for battlr/re-dber-the-amateur-mycologist-18-cortinarius-iodes-the-spotted-cort-20170829t234939915z
7 years ago0.000 SBD and 103.146 STEEM POWER for battlr/isotopes-what-are-they-and-why-do-we-care-chemistry-with-battlr-ep-7
7 years ago0.304 SBD and 0.251 STEEM POWER for battlr/re-starke-2017826t14279678z
7 years ago0.000 SBD and 3.027 STEEM POWER for battlr/100-followers-a-thank-you-and-a-5-steem-chemistry-related-giveaway