Daniel Aloha

I breathe with the breeze, i move with the moon, sing with the wind, & flow with the ocean.

Pahoa, HI humandalas.com Joined June 2016

Estimated curation rewards last week:

Curation Rewards History

7 years ago0.005 STEEM POWER for proofofdaniel/i-bought-virtual-land-in-decentraland-a-decentralized-vr-world
7 years ago0.002 STEEM POWER for proofofdaniel/getting-started-with-bitcoin-before-you-invest
7 years ago0.006 STEEM POWER for treeplanter/treeplanter-report-8-28-2018
7 years ago0.002 STEEM POWER for humandalas/itseasytogetintheflowofsynchronicitymanifestation-i9acnwlq9b
7 years ago0.015 STEEM POWER for gamer00/visiting-helsinki
7 years ago0.018 STEEM POWER for lainelovinit/photobomb-challenge-17-entry-2
7 years ago0.016 STEEM POWER for benjaminfulford/the-world-asks-has-america-gone-insane
7 years ago0.024 STEEM POWER for humandalas/groupmanifestationwithhumandalasvideo-xdh9owf1iz
7 years ago0.013 STEEM POWER for hanggggbeeee/valparaiso-thanh-pho-cua-nhung-giac-mo
7 years ago0.023 STEEM POWER for healingwithtanya/21-day-liver-gallbladder-cleanse